About Our Portfolios
Recoverable Grant Portfolios allow you to direct dollars to the issues you care about most.
We have curated four Recoverable Grant Portfolios covering impact themes that have been identified as high priority among TBF donors and where recoverable grant capital can support advancement of equity in Greater Boston. Like a charitable mutual fund, recoverable grant portfolios allow donors to make contributions to diversified sets of impact-driven organizations and projects with the potential for return of their capital. Within each portfolio, we selected high-impact, revenue-generating organizations that have a track record of accomplishing their target social or environmental outcomes and returning capital to investors.
Portfolio Terms
Opportunity Structure
Recoverable grant to one or more thematic portfolios supporting 2-5 impact organizations.
6-Year Horizon
Potentially recover up to 100% of your capital at the end of 6 years (single bullet repayment).
Minimum Allocation
$25,000 per portfolio
Potential for Capital Recovery
Recoverable grants are charitable contributions made to impact-driven organizations with revenue-generating programs. Unlike a traditional grant, there is expectation of potential return of up to the full recoverable grant amount.
Prefer to make a custom recoverable grant to an individual organization?
All donors are encouraged to consider the portfolio approach to recoverable grants. However, TBF will facilitate direct recoverable grants to one of the portfolio organizations provided you can meet an organization’s minimum recoverable grant amount, which range in size. There may be higher financial risk in making a recoverable grant to an individual organization.
BIPOC Small Business Lending
Support organizations working to close the capital gap for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and other entrepreneurs of color in Greater Boston
Climate Justice
Support the transition to clean energy and greener homes, particularly in low-income communities
Equitable Housing
Accelerate the development of affordable housing to meet the region’s housing crisis and support emerging and BIPOC developers to build community wealth
Equal Opportunity for Families
Support individuals and families in Greater Boston in accessing their full potential through education and employment.
LEGAL AND PROGRAM DISCLAIMER: This website displays information about opportunities to deploy your donor advised fund assets via recoverable grants. The opportunities presented are not investments. Unless otherwise noted, investments and impact-first investments for the purposes of this website refer only to impact-driven recoverable grant opportunities in the DAF context and include capital with the possibility of principal return but do not include investment capital in pursuit of profit. DAF assets described and utilized pursuant to the descriptions in this site will be used exclusively for charitable purposes. Any return of capital, up to the principal amount of the initial disbursement, will be redeployed exclusively for additional charitable impact. This site is premised on this understanding of investments and impact-first investing from DAFs.
Information on opportunities is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an invitation, offer or solicitation to engage in any investment activity including to buy or sell any security or investment product. All information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise transact in any security or investment, including, but not limited to recoverable grants.
While the Boston Foundation and Social Finance have taken reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate, current and complete, the information on this website is provided “as is.” Social Finance makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of the information on this website and disclaims all other warranties. Donors are advised to conduct their own due diligence and investigation. Any person who acts upon or changes his or her investment position in reliance on the information contained on this website does so entirely at his or her own risk.